The importance of choline during pregnancy

$30.00 USD excl tax

Presented by: Wendy Fedele, APD

About Wendy:

As an Accredited Practicing Dietitian and a Mum herself, Wendy is very passionate about helping other Mums and Mums-to-be nourish themselves and give their babies the best possible start to life. Wendy is based in Melbourne, Australia and is the founder of Wendy Fedele Dietitian private practice.

About the webinar: 

Choline requirements increase during pregnancy, but it’s been found that approximately 90% of pregnant women don’t meet their choline requirements.

Research suggests that low intakes of choline during pregnancy may be linked to increased risks of mental health conditions in babies later down the track… and adequate choline intakes during pregnancy have been linked to better cognitive performance in our children.

In this webinar, Wendy explores the current research surrounding choline and it’s importance during pregnancy and provides an updated recommendation.

As part of your purchase, you will receive a ‘The Importance of Choline During Pregnancy’ webinar workbook that will test your knowledge and help you consolidate your learnings.
